Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hello again!

It's been quite some time, hasn't it? A lot has been happening. Our server was down for a little while since our server admin and good friend Jeff was on a cruise (lucky) for Spring Break! But all is well and it's back up. I've been really busy on the server, along with the rest of our crew, making things since we haven't been able to get our fix for awhile. Things are coming along really nicely in Cooperton. Yes, my town now has a name. My boyfriend John came up with it. It's a name he calls me sometimes. Don't ask. Also, John and Jeff have been working on expanding my town with their own creations, which I'll have pictures of as soon as they finish. Some things I've been working on are:

  1. A treehouse! I found a gigantic tree that I suppose has been growing since our server went down (not really..I know it doesn't work that way!) and I built a cute little getaway in it. I think it looks pretty cool, and I'll post pictures of it in the next update.
  2. A church complete with pews, a pulpit, and a baptism pool. 
  3. A warehouse for the town with a lot of storage chests filled with building materials (mostly dirt and cobblestone!)
Those are the main things that have been finished. Also, with the installment of the new beds, I found out something interesting. Apparently if your walls are only one block thick, they're not safe from the creepy things that come out at night, and they will knock you out of bed! But who wants a bed in the middle of the room? Not me, so what I did was take a wooden plank, place it against the wall, then put the bed against the plank. And there you have a headboard! Pretty cool, huh? Gives the room a little something extra.

Also, today I went on a grand adventure with Jeff in search of clay. Yes, more clay. You guys should know by now that I'm absolutely addicted to the stuff! It seems that he's my good luck charm in that department, because we found tons! I filled up my inventory and there is still a big deposit that has several more blocks to be gathered. We also found looking natural land sculpture. I want to post the picture of it on here so badly but it is just..terrible. So I won't. But I will leave this for you, readers, to imagine. Four blocks of dirt, straight up, with one block of sand on each side. I kid you not, I could not make this up. Nor would I ever create this myself! I'll have to say, the server found it hilarious.

That's about it for now, I have lots of things to do and lots of pictures to take. But until then, check out a few funny pictures of some creepers that stopped by!

This lovely creeper found its way onto a light post. Hitting it with a sword was a dumb thing to do, because when I did, he fell off and promptly blew up the front of one of my townhouses, along with the front porch of the church. 

This creeper is being viewed from inside my treehouse! My boyfriend is outside having a staring competition with him. Shortly after, he shot him with arrows until he died. Thankfully, he didn't blow up my treehouse, because I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have the leaves around anymore!! A treehouse minus the tree, I guess!

I know I've said this before, but I promise I won't let you guys down this time! I WILL be posting more! Maybe not every day, but I will try to update several times a week now. Hope you all have been crafting some awesome stuff. Until next time!