I’m leaving on a two week vacation tonight, to celebrate my mother turning 60. While I will be bringing a laptop and there will be internet, I will try to not think about work as much as possible while I’m gone.
To keep up with Minecraft development, you can check out our page on Facebook, or follow the following people on twitter:
Carl Manneh (ceo!)
Daniel Kaplan (bizdev!)
Jakob Porser (code!)
Jens Bergensten (code!)
Junkboy (art!)
Markus Persson (code!)
Tobias Mollstam (code!)When I get back, I’ll finish up the new launcher, then my goal is to get some early sketch of the Modding API out before GDC.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Late News From the World of Notch : Notch has left the Building
Whoa. I almost forgot
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Making a Town!
If you don't know who Lewis is or haven't seen the Yogscast videos on Youtube, I highly suggest looking them up. They are absolutely hilarious and definitely sold me on buying this game. Almost daytime, so talk to you all soon!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Is That Sheep Green?
![]() |
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Yay Update!
Here's my first set of pumpkins, which excited me to no end. This was my first time actually seeing pumpkins.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Facebook Games?
I'm really looking forward to the completion of the cafe though. I think it will be really cute, and I hope you guys like it too. I'll be posting pictures, of course.
Until next time!
And remember, the SSSSSSSS sound means RUN.
Mining Checklist
- 2 Buckets of Water
- Several Cooked Porkchops
- A Few Loaves of Bread
- A 64 Stack of Unprocessed Wood
- A 64 Stack of Cobblestone or Dirt or Both
- Sword of Stone or Above Quality
- 3 Pickaxes of Stone or Above Quality
- At Least 2 Signs
- Shovel of Stone or Above Quality
- Clock
- Compass
- As Much Armor As Possible Equipped
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Adventures of Aymi and Asterly!
It all started when Aster told me she made a gate to the Nether. I was curious so I came to check it out. It was beautiful! A pretty obsidian rectangle with swirly purple designs, with what looked to be purple snowflakes coming out of it. But that wasn't all that was coming out..it was also making some extremely creepy noises. To our dismay, the gate doesn't work yet on Multiplayer mode, but she left it as a pretty entrance to her house, so it wasn't a waste!
Then I explored her house for the first time, and man it's cool! It had a huge waterslide in it, but after my fail attempt to exit it (yes, I drowned) she took it down. My mistake. The best part of Aster's house is the top, which has red flowers in the shape of a heart that Jeff made for her (AWW!!!). She also has a really neat indoor garden that I'm happy to say I helped supply sugarcane for.
After exploring the house, we went on an adventure and found snow! The snowballs are such fun. It took us a little over a day to reach snow from our part of the world, but it was well worth it. We got to sail across the ocean, and that was fun. I accidentally punched my boat to death, but Aster fixed it. It seems that I'm clumsy even on Minecraft. Anyway, after stocking up on snow we made a plan to launch them at Anderson for setting the place on fire (no, I have NOT forgiven that yet!!) and headed for home. I was losing a bit of health by then so Aster gave me some cake. It was delicious! We also went to a secret location, but I told her I'd keep that between us, so everyone will just have to wonder about that one!
I'm beginning to see that the best part of Minecraft is playing with friends. Oh yes, and I also have the screenshots I've been promising of my finished work so far:
Screenshot Saturday
Recruiting Animals!
Why a barn? Well, because ANDERSON SCARED ALL THE PIGS AWAY!! We're running out of porkchops because of the fire. I am going to seduce the pigs with my architecture and make them flourish again. It could be either epic or a big mess. Either way, it's going to be fun.
Now to decide if I want a red barn or a wooden barn...I think I'ma go all out and make it red. Pictures to come!
P.S. The brick house is finished and furnished. :) The guest house is a work in progress, but it'll have to wait until we have a better food supply. I'll post pictures of the brick house later, too.
Friday, January 21, 2011
The Great Fire of 2011

Anderson : "I think I'm going to burn these trees to clear out some space."Sammy : "Please if you do, keep the fire under control."Anderson : "Yeah, I will."Amy : "He's already been doing it to a few places."Anderson : "Yeah, I'm going to do it."
Anderson : "Oh sh**. Oh sh**!"Sammy : "What's going on?"Anderson : "Oh sh**. You better check this out!"

OH yeah, I forgot to put my experience getting back on our server finally in yesterday's blog entry.
I was starting to feel like some kind of drug addict. I've never done drugs or anything, but I think that must be how it feels to want something so badly that you're willing to do whatever for it. Either that, or drive yourself crazy til it comes to you naturally. Unfortunately, I had to drive myself crazy because there's nothing I can do in the Minecraft situation. When the servers are down, they're down! I was starting to shake, and freak out a little bit (okay, over exaggeration) when FINALLY the server came back up!! Hooray! Joyful, joyful! First thing I did was message Anderson and flip out about it. I think I scared him a little, but maybe not. He may be used to the way I get excited by now. I almost cried I was so happy. Addiction? Yes.
Jeff, our server host, kind of feels like a crack dealer because of it. My bad, Jeff.
Straight from The World of Notch - Minecraft Beta 1.2_02
This update is a tiny one just to make the client download skins directly from Amazon S3instead of from minecraft.net.
Much of this week was lost migrating the server to the cloud, something that Tobias did an amazing job working on. Most of the site has been moved now, and seems to be running much faster than before. We’ve got five servers behind a load balancer, and a dedicated server for payment processing, and another for ingame authentication and login, although that won’t be in use until we update the game launcher.
Speaking of the Launcher, I spent the start of the week working on it, and here’s what it currently looks like:
That news area is loaded from the interwebs and will contain release notes so you know what’s changed. When you start the game, the launcher will ask you if you want to download the new update or not. Eventually there will also be an option in the launcher to choose where to load/save maps from.
Minecraft is getting pretty cute. The launcher could look better, but its a start. The ability to chose where to load/save maps is awesome. I hope they do it with screen shots as well as I hate going to a hidden folder just to post pictures of my amazing house. Also, with the server migration being done, hopefully I won't have to deal with Cannot Connect to Minecraft.net anymore.
Thank god.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I Found CLAY!!!
Before I get off track, let me tell you about my discovery of clay today on our server! This is why I'm blogging instead of patching up our house. I made a brick house on Sammy's boyfriend's server, since ours was down all day yesterday. Sammy found the clay for me, so I was thinking it'd be easy to make a little brick house near our cabin in my main server. HA!!! Let me tell you, I ran for FOUR DAYS south of our cabin in search of this mythic material. Four days!! That's a lot of 1x1 holes to hide from zombies, let me tell you. After many broken boats, I finally found some of the amazing stuff. Brick house, HERE I COME!
Sort of. Clay is a lot different than the other building materials. Not only is it hard to find, but you have to cook it. One clay makes one clay brick. After you've cooked all your bricks (I had five furnaces going cooking all my stacks! Insane, right? I'm surprised the house didn't catch on fire.) you have to go to the crafting table. From there, put a block of four, doesn't matter where on the table, and each four bricks equal one building brick. That means four stacks of clay (64 pieces) makes ONE stack of building bricks! Crazy!! But the outcome is so pretty. I love the bricks in this game, so it was totally worth the epic journey. Only problem is going to be finding more to finish my project..hmm..that's for another day.
Why I am grateful for the night time
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Oh Great, Another Creeper.
Picture yourself in your own home, let's just say a log cabin. A beautiful two story log cabin with nice lanterns outside and a lovely little garden for a backyard. The sky is blue, the clouds are fluffy, and you can hear cows mooing in the distance, ready to give you some milk. All of a sudden, you hear a loud TNT explosion, you turn around, and half your wheat field is gone. Not only that, but your water irrigation system is a bit deeper than usual. Oh, not only THAT, but half your house has been demolished.
THAT, readers, is the work of a creeper in Minecraft. They are hateful green blobs of creatures that I swear are out to get me. I know, I know, they do the same thing to everyone. It just seems like with my lag issues they do it to me a lot more! I've heard of people being able to outrun them and keep their health, but I always seem to get blown up by them. I've ruined mine and Sammy's house at least 5 times in the past few days because of the little creepers. Right now, I'm working on rebuilding our wheat field that I ruined last night via creeper encounter.
I think the creepers are the hardest part of Minecraft. Once they get eye contact there is no escape. They will hunt you down and blow up everything around you if they want. And they want, trust me, they WANT. The best tactic I've found for dealing with these awful creatures is praying that there is a porkchop or two in my inventory, running the opposite way of anything important to my Minecrafting, and hoping that if I do happen to die, I can respawn and run to where my stuff is fast enough.
Anyone have any better advice? Please?
From The World of Notch : The web server is struggling, we’re migrating
Once again, minecraft.net is more popular than the poor old server can keep up with, so we’re upgrading. I’m not quite sure how long it will take to get done as it’s mostly Tobias doing the work (thank you, sir!). We’ve got a huge amazon cloud server which we’re moving the main server to. We’ll be able to replicate this as demand grows, and we’ll have a load balancer set up in front of it all. Skin downloads will almost certainly be migrated to S3 downloads instead of going through resin as it does now, and we’ll have a separate server just to handle game logins and auth requests.
In other news, we spent the day today out of the office in various cafés, as the floor was getting fixed. And we got the Machinima.com IGA awards! They’re pretty!
If you want to see some pics from the office and Mojang in general, Carl has a photo album here. It gets updated every now and then.
For Minecraft development, we’re working on the new file format, and a new game launcher. The file format is still in early testing, but it’s looking somewhat promising, except for it taking up a bit too much space. It’s faster, though.
The new Launcher will be a bit prettier, will show release notes and other news, will send login requests over https (finally), and will ask if the user wants to update to the latest version or not. In the future, we’ll add support for playing the previous installed version (after warning the player that there might be unexpected bugs) and the ability to choose what work directly to save the level files, but that’s not coming in this version.We’ve got a meeting planned for tomorrow with some community members to discuss how to best implement the modding
.TLDR version :
Notch is moving the Minecraft servers to a more reliable server that won't crash every other day. He's also working on a new file format and launcher. As a fan of all things pretty, I look forward to seeing the new launcher. I do not, however, look forward to torches that don't glow forever.